Ivan Kilroe

This week began with a change in riding style.  After my some what relaxed pace last week and with some long stretches ahead of me, I have had the opportunity to make up some ground.

I set out from ‘spoke n hostel’ with another solo rider: Theron. It's been a welcome change to have some good company especially on these longer days. Unfortunately, after some tough riding both Theron and I suffered with injuries, and subsequently took a well earned day off in Baker city.

I left Baker the following day leaving Theron to continue his recovery. I'm not sure whether it was the combination of grey skies and green rolling hills coming out of Baker that reminded me of home, but I loved this stretch of riding. It’s certainly been a change from the cloudless skies and warm dry weather of the previous days.

Ending the day in Richland I had an unseasonably cold night with limited sleep. I awoke to a plethora of frost covering both bike and tent.

Over the last week or so, one thing I've noticed is the constant change in the landscape. Over each pass there are often subtle nuances that make up equally dramatic differences in the scenery. Just when I thought it was to set to become warmer and drier as I headed further east towards Idaho I was surprised to see a comforting flourish of lush greens once more.

Over the steep pass coming out of Richland I had some trouble with my knee and had to walk some of the way up. Shortly after the pass I wasn't feeling like continuing. A combination of this along with some exhaustion (I suspect from a lack of sleep over the last week) made me stop for a warm shower layover. Still feeling very lethargic and weak the next day I delayed my departure, bought lots of food and attempted to recover. I consumed a whole loaf of bread in a day and a half.

It was certainly a strange feeling. I wasn't sure whether I was coming down with an illness or just generally exhausted, but I felt it was unwise to continue.

Following this much needed day of rest I felt refreshed, more motivated and considerably less fatigued. Thanks to Inga for letting me take the time to recover at her beautiful home and ranch.

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TRANSAMERICA's profile picture
Ivan Kilroe

Gear List

- My Ride -

- My Favorite Blackburn Gear -

  • OUTPOST SEAT PACK & DRY BAG $119.99 Buy Now
  • OUTPOST CARGO CAGE $24.99 Buy Now
  • OUTPOST TOP TUBE BAG $44.99 Buy Now

- My Favorite Blackburn Gear -

Ivan Kilroe's profile picture
Ivan Kilroe
  • FROM: Lancaster, GBR
  • DOB: 2016-01-01
  • N/A
  • OCCUPATION: Designer, Maker
  • What was the genesis moment or inspiration for your upcoming adventure? When I saw the opportunity advertised, it just felt like the kind of experience I've been building up to. With the added bonus of getting to work with some great brands, and promote adventure cycling.
  • Have you traveled by bike in the past? In the last year I've done a handful of short trips travelling by bicycle and really enjoyed the freedom you feel from carrying everything you need to survive. I've definitely got a bad case of 'outdoorism' - seeing the sun rise and set everyday, and waking up outside all becomes kind of addictive.
  • What is your goal for the route? My goal is to have as much fun as possible, see and explore as much as i can, wake up to great views, hopefully make some friends along the way. Pretty much absorb as much of the American experience as possible. If I've got the energy I plan to make the most of the surrounding terrain and ride as many trails as possible along the way.
  • What do you hope to get out of this journey? The most important thing is I hope to come away with memories for life, gain some new life skills, as I'm sure there'll definitely be a few 'character building' challenges along the way. I'd like to get some great footage and photography, and look forward to documenting my story. Hopefully inspiring more people to tackle these kinds of trips.